Sunday, November 8, 2009

Well so much for every two weeks. My bad. Although my life hasn't really been all that interesting lately. I went to Edinburgh not too terribly long ago and bought a rain coat. Also hiked up to the Castle and wandered around, all awash in my history nerd glory. They've also got a lovely cobbled street with people selling stuff... it reminded me a bit of Covent Garden, to be honest, although I didn't get anything. I imagine I'll be back before Christmas... Christmas shopping calls... It was a pretty good time; pictures will follow but I make no promises as to when. Before Christmas, certainly.

I went to Dundee yesterday to get a jump on Christmas shopping and took some pretty killer pictures with a dragon. No really. A dragon. Again, pictures to follow.

I've more or less got this week off- I still have tutorial on Tuesday, which is my own fault because I opened my mouth and asked if we were still meeting rather than leave well enough alone- so I'll probably do some exploring, possibly back to Edinburgh to finish off the Christmas shopping, possibly somewhere else entirely. Who knows? All this will, of course, be fit in around Latin translations (the last two of which were about witches killing children and rabbits killing pilgrims... Prof has an...interesting... sense of humour) and my reading of The Annals of Flodoard of Reims, a Chronicle of Early Medieval France and the high stakes (and usually very violent) politics that were the rule of the day. I've been reading early Frankish law and a lot about legalized violence and honour and where the line is... pretty interesting stuff. If you're a nerd like me.

And Latin, of course. I'll never understand how people conversed in that language; you've more or less got to wait for the end of every sentence- every clause anyway- for the verb, and people got rhetorically insane just because they could. Good times, that.

We also just finished our wonderful foray into Domesday Book (which apparently doesn't need an article), which culminated in a lovely long paper that was like pulling teeth to write. Got it done with time to spare, but still. Ouch.

So that's what I've been up to. Well, that and a LOT of trashy tv online. Hopefully the next post will be full of more interesting things. And pictures. :)

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