Thursday, August 27, 2009

So the visa ought to be delivered UPS today, which is a nice weight off my shoulders. Now all I have to do is harass student services until they answer my last question (seriously, and this one's yes or no too... I really don't understand why this is hard for them) and I'm all set to take off in about a month.

It's pretty sweet.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I promised a blog and now I have delivered.

I've not actually started school yet, but that's soon and finally all the paperwork is in place so it seems as though this mad dream of mine is actually going to come off without a hitch, despite the fact that very few people in Administration seem to be in the habit of answering questions. I had a letter from the visa people saying they got the paperwork and I ought to have my visa in twoish weeks. Which means I can finally book plane tickets. Which is nice.

The Latin (which I am teaching myself out of a borrowed text book in my free time) is going fairly well. It's not nearly as hard as I first thought it would be; really all I need to do now is start actually memorizing vocabulary. Not half bad for teaching myself the rudiments of a language over the summer, I'd say.

I still smell like indigo from the last dye bath at work, but that's just about my only complaint so I'll call summer a success and turn my eyes to the future.

Check back soon for more (and hopefully more interesting and possibly illustrated) updates!